This is Nathan Gaidet’s 2016 season edit, and it is really really good.
Filmed between competitions and events, the first part of the clip takes you to La Rosière (France) with some heavy backcountry booters. Park shoots at Seiser Alm (Italy) and Klausberg (Austia) mixed with some beautiful drone shoots round up the park action, before finally heading over to the land of the great and shred at some of the most famous places for spring skiing, Mt Hood (USA).
Nathan Gaidet had fun last season
Nathan surely had a great season, you can find the full video from Wild World for your very own viewing pleasure right here.
Nathan Gaidet at Klausberg captured by Felix Pirker
Filmed and edited by my friend Julien Eustache.
Park jumps are funN
You can find more infos about Nathan and follow him throughout his season on