
Ed Sheeran – Perfect featuring D-Ran

By: Roy Kittler November 14, 2017

Ed Sheeran just dropped his all new music video – Perfect.

Why are we talking about this and why do we even post it here?

Well, for starters the video is about skiing… and some stupid love story nobody cares about.

Secondly, one of our favorite Austrian shredders, Dennis Ranalter, somehow managed to sneak into the video 😉

Moreover, the video was shot entirely at Hintertux one of Austria’s and of course Europes top pre and late season hot spots for skiing.

Just have a look and enjoy the show.

Anyhow, here is a couple of question which occur while watching the video:

Where does Dennis go?

Does take away Pizza still tasted good after a winter migration?

Which brute leaves an orphaned baby cat alone in an empty mountain hut?

Where do the British tourists get the keys to the hut from?

Why are Ed’s shoes still dry after a winter migration?

Why are there actually skis standing around?