Videos Episode Nico PorteousAlpsAtomic SkisRed BullLa Clusaz It’s not just a phase mom! A visual collage from 18 days in the Alps with Nico Porteous | Phase 001 Phase 001 is the first episode of a new series from Nico Porteous which follows what Nico gets up to every 18 days. February 12, 2025
Videos Movie Hugo LaugierJeremy PancrasFreeride SkiingBackcountry FreestyleFranceLa ClusazAntoine AdelisseRossignol PanPan behind the lens JOY | A Film by Hugo Laugier and Jeremy Pancras Filmed in the French Alps, JOY, is a freeride skiing film that captures the extreme pleasure of skiing powder with friends. November 27, 2024
Videos Episode Manon LoschiLa ClusazFranceFreeride SkiingAnon Optics Core Shots Chasing Manon Loschi around La Clusaz Core Shots heads to the storied off-piste terrain of La Clusaz, France with a bright young freeride talent: Manon Loschi. March 28, 2024
Videos Movie Coline Ballet-BazFranceJohanne KilliMaggie VoisinLa RosièreLa ClusazVölkl SkisMichelle ParkerMonster EnergyJennie Lee BurmanssonSarah HoefflinMargaux HackettJuliette WillmannMegan OldhamOlivia AsselinManon LoschiChloe Roux-MollardShiori TakahashiSalt Lake CityKirsty MuirAnon OpticsTaylor Brooke Lundquist women's movie of the year Recipe | A Ski Film by Coline Ballet-Baz (Full film) Recipe is the second full-length, 100% female ski movie from Coline Ballet-Baz, with a star-studded cast including Michelle... December 13, 2022
Videos Edit Ben BurattiPVS CompanyMegèveLa ClusazDavosGlacier 3000Dynastar Skis Ben's ultimate run TRANSITION | Ben Buratti Dynastar presents French freeskier Ben Buratti ripping down one (or four) mountain in this short video. November 03, 2022
Stories Interview FranceFreeride SkiingK2 SkisLa ClusazManon LoschiOn The Radar Next up in freeride On The Radar: Manon Loschi Manon Loschi from La Clusaz, France is on the Downdays radar. She's a promising young freerider and the newest member of the K2... By: Ethan Stone February 11, 2022
Videos Short Backcountry SkiingBen BurattiKadi GomisLa ClusazLaurent FavreRichard Permin Ben Buratti | Write Your Line Ben Buratti finds himself sharing his ski ride with the greatest. This descent will go viral on the internet, provoking the craze... November 21, 2021
Videos Edit Candide ThovexFreeride SkiingLa BalmeLa Clusaz Candide Thovex – A bit of skiing After a year of radio silence, Candide Thovex just needs two minutes and "A bit of skiing" to remind everyone who the GOAT is. February 02, 2021
Videos Edit Andy ColletBen BurattiFranceLa ClusazPark SkiingSandy Collet Sunset session A Day with Ben Buratti in the La Clusaz Park This quick one-day edit from French ripper Ben Buratti with the talented Collet brothers Andy & Sandy behind the cameras is too... March 08, 2019
Videos Edit Backcountry FreestyleCésar FabreFranceLa Clusaz Smooth style César Fabre – Piraterie Remix Here's a quick 1 minute, 23 seconds of skiing from César Fabre that you won't want to miss January 28, 2019
Videos Edit Freeride SkiingJeremy PancrasLa ClusazPark Skiing La Clusaz Bound – Jeremy Pancras Enjoy the show as Jeremy Pancras hits up the slopes of his home resort involving slope, powder, cliffs and just all around fun... October 24, 2017
Stories Scene B&E InvitationalCorvatschFreeride World TourLa ClusazLaax OpenNine KnightsNine QueensSFR TourTom WallischWest Coast SessionWorld RecordXtreme Verbier The Downdays 2015/16 Season Review (Part 3) Whew! We’ve reached the third and final installment of our 2015/16 Season Review. If you missed them, here are links for Part 1... By: admin August 01, 2016