Due to the retreat of the glacier Superpark Dachstein will be closed


Farewell Superpark Dachstein – Offical statement regarding the closing

By: Roy Kittler July 26, 2017

In the last weeks there have been repeated rumors about the future of the Superpark Dachstein. Please notice the official statement of the park´s operator, the Planai-Hochwurzen-Bahnen:

“After many great years of Superpark on the Dachstein glacier, we’ve heavy-heartedly decided that we will not rebuild Dachstein Superpark in the upcoming fall. One important reason is the increasing glacial retreat in the park area. It is definitely unjustifiable that we were already forced to damage the glacial ice sheet during the build-up. It’s the dictate of the moment to preserve the glacial substance. We ask you to understand the justified criticism of environmentalists. We most cordially thank all our loyal guests. Needless to say, we will again put all our force and dedication into Superpark Planai.

The regular ski operation will start in fall with the first onset of winter. The same holds true for the cross-country ski trail.”

It is sad to see yet another summer park closing, after the announcement of the end of Camp of Champions  a couple months back. Global warming starts to hit the skiing world with a yet to be seen impact. Nevertheless every single one of us can do something about it...

In honour to the great times at Superpark Dachstein Josh Absender put together a couple of clips from the past 15 years at one of Austria top summer parks. 

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