Jan. 22nd- Depart from UK (London) Pickup point - location TBA
Jan. 22nd - Holland (Amsterdam)Pickup - location TBA
Jan. 23rd - Germany (Munich) Pick-up - location TBA
Jan. 24th - Austria (Innsbruck, Zillertal) Pick-up - location TBA
Jan. 25th - Austria (Vienna) Pick-up - location TBA
Jan. 26th - Arrival in Athens
Jan. 27th - Boat to Lesvos
Jan. 28th - Distribution of jackets
Jan. 29th - Boat to Athens
Jan. 30th - Return to London
*We will release the exact dates and locations as soon as the minimum amount is collected so that the jackets can be sent or dropped off.
Here are our costs and different possible variations of the mission:
COLLECTION COSTS (Main Mission + Documentary):
800euros - Van Rental + insurance (10 days)
750euros - gas + tolls London - Athens
750euros - gas + tolls Athens - London
400euros - Ferry to Lesvos
1000euros - food + hotel - 100euros a day expenses (10 days)
TOTAL: 3700euros ($4000)
1500 euros ($1650)- MINIMAL MISSION (Drop & Go)- If we can collect this amount we will still do the mission, but it will be a direct drive down with minimal pick up mounts (max 3), leave the jackets with an association to be disturbed for us and we drive back. 5 day mission - no documentary.
2700 euros ($3000) - BETTER MISSION (Athens Distribution) - 4 pick up points (No Vienna)- We will distripute in Athens for 3 days to homeless and refugees with associations. Allows us to take a bit of time on the way down to gather more jackets at more stops. 7 day mission - social media video updates.
3700euros ($4000)- MAIN MISSION (Lesvos Distribution) 5 picks-up points, homeless distribution in Athens, we take the ferry to Lesvos to stay for a day to meet with associations and give all the jackets out to refugees in person. 10 day mission + documentary.
4000 euros ($4250) - ULTIMATE MISSION (Visit Vasilitsa) If the operation is a bigger success than expected and we complete the MAIN MISSION we will stop for a day of snowboarding in Vasilitsa, Greece to give out some jackets to local riders and ride with them. This will add some great riding footage to the documentary to show that Greece is also a great tourism location for snowboarding. This will also help us make the mission into a feature in a major snowboard magazine!