The FWT decided to run the Xtreme Verbier a bit early this year, since conditions in the massive Bec des Rosses face are currently good for a thrilling competition, while the weather forecast isn’t too good for the originally scheduled event window. In order to not risk the event in case of a prolonged bad weather period or in case new snowfall might render the venue too dangerous, the organizers pulled the trigger for a contest on Thursday. Just like the rest of the Alps, the Bec des Rosses hasn’t seen too much snow this winter and therefore the upper part of the main face won’t be included in the venue. Instead, there will be three start options for all athletes to choose from, two at the looker’s very right side of the Bec up on the ridge—known as the Petit Bec and included as start options in many previous Xtreme Verbier events as well as in last season’s Verbier Pro event—and one more half way down the central couloir of the Bec main face. The starting order will be Snowboard Men first, then Ski Men, Ski Women and Snowboard Women last. Within each category, the starting order will be in reverse of the ranking that decided about the cut before the Verbier event. Thus, maximum suspense is guaranteed not only in the decision for the Xtreme titles, but also for the 2025 FWT Overall Champions. There are 20 cm of cold, light powder in the face on top of a base consisting of mixed conditions: hardpack in some areas, particularly where the wind hit, and soft, sugary snow in other areas. A good reading of the face and a smart line choice will be crucial for a successful run.