fabian boesch
The competition concept here is different than anywhere else. First off, the riders are organized like this:
Conférence FRANCE : Julien Eustache – Jules Bonnaire – David Bonneville – Nathan Gaidet – Hugo Laugier – Quentin Ladame – Cesar Fabre – Ben Buratti
Conférence WORLD : – Fabian Bosch – Till Matti – Kai Malher – James Woods – Matt Walker – John Brown – Aleksi Patja – Noah Wallace
After two runs to make the rankings in each conference, the riders battle against each other until the best of each conference is named. In the end, the best from both sides fight for the title—but whatever the format is, the most important thing here is the judging.

james woods
During this competition the two international judges, Charly Royer and Lao Chazelas have the pleasure of judging only style, giving the victory to Aleksi Patja with a switch wobble 900 safety. Judging style is easier said than done—so props to the judges and the riders, who played the finals as well as they played in the riders’ hockey game the day before.

Again this event was a real success, blowing away expectations—at least ours. Enjoy the photo portfolio.


David Bonneville


fabian boesch


james woods

james woods

jamew woods

jules bonnaire

jules bonnaire

jules bonnaire

jules bonnaire

julien eustache

julien eustache

kai mahler

kai mahler

nathan gaidet

noah wallace

on the slope


Quentin Ladame

Quentin Ladame, Aleksi Patja

skieur magazine’s photographer


val marco