A unique caption for each one of these photos? Challenge accepted.
The backdrop for this year’s Suzuki Nine Knights: The Vinschgau (German) or Val Venosta (Italian), one of South Tyrol’s most beautiful regions. The apple orchards should be blossoming soon — it’s a sight not to be missed.
Standard procedure on a massive build like this: start from the top and work your way down.
Machines can do the rough work, but for the final touch, every meter of this towering hip landing will be shaped by hand.
Don’t mess up that cut: a small mistake at the top of a big transition can have serious consequences when you get 5 meters lower.
Work continues as the sun sets.
Hey Kaspars, stop taking pictures of that sunset and grab a shovel!
Slowly but surely, the hip walls grow in size.
The hip looks like it’s lined on a north-south axis, meaning: sun on the left wall in the morning and on the right wall in the afternoon. Hopefully both sides will soften enough to ride well.
More stunning South Tyrolean views. I’ve got a feeling the photographers are going to like this location.
Watles isn’t a big ski area, with only two lifts. But what it lacks in size, it makes up in beauty.
Schneestern head honcho Dirk Scheumann working on his laser game.
If Donald Trump needs any wall-building lessons, he can certainly talk to these guys.
Latvian shaping power: Jannis will probably finish this whole wall in the next 15 minutes.
Wait a minute: how are we gonna get down from here?
Trapped on top of their monster feature, the shapers prepare to spend another night out in the cold.

No, this place isn’t going to work at all for a film and photo shoot. Seriously, can’t you pick somewhere nice to hold these events?
We’ll give €20 to anyone who hits this hip straight over to the back of the landing. Should be mellow…
Not many things can make a PistenBully look small. This feature is one of them.
I assume the wide-angle lens is making this takeoff look much steeper than it actually is. Nevertheless- prepare for blastoff.
Got shape tool envy? Schneestern’s transition cutter “Big Yellow” is longer than yours.
Why does it seem like Suzuki Nine Knights are always somehow phallic? Or is it just me?
Catching a ride up to the upper level.
This photo was actually taken from outer space.
Self-portrait of the photographer. Thanks Kaspars for the shots! Stay tuned for more from the 2016 Suzuki Nine Knights special mission in Watles!
Wanting more Suzuki Nine Knights action? Here’s this year’s trailer to keep you hyped.