Simo Peltola enjoys the creative main feature at the last Danihell Hanka Invitational in 2022. Ethan Stone

Event News

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The Danihell Hanka Invitational Returns

By: Ethan Stone March 05, 2025

Three years after the inaugural Danihell Hanka Invitational, the Czech freeskier’s hell-raising event is back for a second round. Or should we call it a Second Coming? From 31 March–6 April 2025, Daniel Hanka will once again invite a select squad of freeskiers for a private park session at his home resort of Destne v Orlickych Horach, Czechia.

A custom park setup

Working in close collaboration with Daniel, the Destne park crew will build a custom setup for the Invitational. The exact features will depend on the snow that’s available, but riders can expect a creative main feature as well as several jib options.

This isn’t Destne’s first rodeo when it comes to custom setups. Besides Daniel’s event, the resort hosted a memorable Faction shoot for “This is Home” back in 2017, and was the site of the legendary Soldiers Big Air for a solid decade.

Vojta Bresky at the Danihell Hanka Invitational in Destne, Czechia
Voita Bresky going big at the 2022 Danihell Hanka Invitational. Ethan Stone

A no-rules film and shred session

The invited riders will have five days to shred the custom setup to their hearts’ content while stacking clips however they can—working with filmers or filming each other. They then get all summer to work on their edits, which will be released online in fall 2025.

“Riders can bring a filmer or they can film each other, they can work in groups or individually,” says Daniel. “No rules—for the sake of freedom and fun, the vision of the riders has top priority.”

No less than twelve edits were submitted from Daniel’s last event in 2022. Chris and Matt McCormick’s edit claimed the overall prize, while Mr. Hanka himself, together with filmer Erwan Lier, won the fan favorite vote with his cut, “The Bloodsucker.”

Chris & Matt McCormick's winning 2022 entry. Daniel Hanka YouTube

Win a Ticket To Hell

In addition to the invited riders, up to 2 additional riders have the chance to win wildcards via the Ticket To Hell contest. Information on how to enter will be announced soon—stay tuned.

The winners of the Ticket To Hell contest will receive accommodations, food and lift passes. Travel expenses to and from the event are not included.

Public Day & Afterparty on 5 April

The session will conclude on Saturday, 5 April when the public is welcomed to ride the setup at Destne alongside the invited riders.
“I want to support the Czech scene, and hype and motivate the youth,” says Daniel. “So we’re making the setup open to everybody, and giving them the opportunity to meet the pro skiers and shred together with them.”

The festivities will conclude with an afterparty, and if we know anything about Daniel, it’s a safe bet that Hell’s Bells will be ringing. The Invitational also coincides with Destne’s closing weekend—all the more reason to party like angels fallen from Heaven.

Follow @danihellhanka on Instagram for more updates about the 2025 DaniHell Hanka Invitational.