Crystal Ground Snowpark Rail & Fly

Event News

Kleinwalsertal session

Crystal Ground Snowpark celebrates 20 years with “Rail & Fly”

By: Ethan Stone February 27, 2025

An enduring pillar of the freestyle scene in the Alps, the Crystal Ground Snowpark at the foot of the Kanzelwandbahn is celebrating 20 years this season. More than just a park, Crystal Ground has been a meeting place, a talent factory and a lively community.

To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the snowpark is hosting a week of festivities, dubbed “Rail & Fly,” from 8–16 March, 2025.  The size of the park will be doubled during the event, making room for a bunch of new features as well as a bag jump, and the schedule is chock full of events to keep everyone busy.

The fun gets started on Saturday, March 8 with the Downdays Snowpark Tour in town. We’ll be hosting a Cash 4 Tricks session on some of the features in the park, starting at noon. Drop by, stomp some tricks, get clipped and win some cash! Also on Saturday, there’s a night jam and barbeque and a kids coaching session.

The fun continues throughout the week with more floodlight sessions & BBQs, culminating with the Volcom Takeover and Topgun Invitational on Friday and Saturday, plus parties and a Sunday Weißwurstfrühstück!

There’s also a photo vernissage in the Walserhaus on Friday, 7 March from 7–10pm, where you can see some of the best moments from 20 years of Crystal Ground, complete with exciting stories from people who have shaped the park.

During the week, the Crystal Ground Snpwoark will be open at its usual times (9:00–16:30) and the Bag jump will also be supervised daily.

Check out the event page on the Kleinwalsertal website for more details, and see you soon at Rail & Fly!