Hi Clém, first off can you tell us a bit about who you are and where you’re from?
I was born and raised in Font Romeu, in the Pyrenees in the south of France – that is also where I learned to ski. I am actually on my way back there as we speak to meet up with my friends who still live there.
For the last thirteen years, I have been living in Courchevel during the winter. I have been working with the ski resort over the years on a number of projects, as well as working as a ski instructor. Courchevel has a reputation—everyone knows it for the parties, the rich people, the high fashion brand stores and the fur coats, but no one really talks about the skiing itself. I have been working with Courchevel to help them to show that it is still a great ski resort with good terrain, good snow conditions and world-class skiing.
In the summer I am still living near the Pyrenees but on the other side of the mountain range, towards the Atlantic ocean, in Biarritz.