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Joona at Jib League | Season 1 Rough Cut

By: Adam Herman February 22, 2024

With the second season of Jib League around the corner. What better time to remind ourselves how hype last year was. And how better to do that than to watch the crowned jibber himself and his not-so-rough cut from all the stops last season!

From Joona’s YouTube:

Joona Kangas at Jib League 2023: 3 events, 9 jam sessions, countless amounts of smiles and good times. Shoutout to Ferdi, Øystein and Woodsy for creating one of the sickest events in skiing!

Reid Ferguson
Magnus Skotte Nørsteng
Fredrik Angelsen
Owen Dahlberg
Ethan Cook
Andrew Napier
Beau-James Wells

Nordkette, Austria
Crans-Montana, Switzerland
Myrkdalen, Norway